Issue 232
July/August 2024

The Artwork Logo

Jul 27, 2024

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ArtWork Newspaper Issue 232
July/August 2024 (6.00MB)

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Out of the Shadows

SOMETIMES artists with great talent go without credit or recognition on a worldwide platform. This can happen for several reasons, perhaps the individual was not pushy enough or interested in self-promotion, or maybe they were in the wrong place at the wrong time… read more>>

Editorial Comment

THE NEWS doesn't get any better. Following the announcement of the grim existential threats faced by the Edinburgh International Festival and the Fringe came the news that one of the most popular of the Fringe venues – the miraculous all-year-round Summerhall complex was to be put up for sale on the open market… read more>>

A Smart Search Box can produce better sales results at minimal cost!

THE IMPORTANCE of accurately searching online content of an organisation's website could not be overemphasised as it could help enhance further interests in the business and eventually increase the overall revenue… read more>>

Glasgow School of Art - under a shroud of secrecy - and inaction

ONE EXPECTS a symposium to provide information for experts from experts. In June, 100+ people came to Glasgow's Mackintosh Society's Heritage Under Threat to hear 20 speakers. There were some terrific talks. But the elephant in the room from the word go was Glasgow School of Art, Mackintosh's beloved, iconic creation which went on fire, not once but twice… read more>>

Artificial Intelligence to the aid of the creative industries…

"We wanted to introduce you to PowerPlay.... Created for people who want to indulge a secret interest or passion for playwriting, PowerPlay offers an opportunity for aspiring playwrights to see their creativity come to life and their play performed on a London stage."… read more>>


THE WEEK before the election, a Guardian article asked if there could be a brighter future ahead for the arts and arts education, after years of dwindling support from successive governments… read more>>

Seeing Eye to Eye with Raeburn

MENTION THE NAME Henry Raeburn and images of sedate, early 19th century Scottish men, professors, judges, generals and Highland chieftains, spring to mind. Added to these is the wacky, skating Reverend Robert Walker, whose profile, printed on carrier bags and coasters, has become The Scottish National Gallery's logo… read more>>

A massive granite complex?

ABERDEEN'S Marischal College is said to be the second largest granite complex in the world. Some half of it has been successfully re-purposed by Aberdeen City, the Police and others… read more>>

Calum Macdonald – graphic pro

WITH THE sudden death, just as the last issue of ArtWork appeared, of Calum Macdonald, Scotland’s artistic community lost one of its most talented graphic professionals… read more>>

NORTHERN BOOKS FROM FAMEDRAM It's a half price offer with quote AW231 (usually £35/£25)

The Crafts in Scotland 1950-1990
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